Friday, June 27, 2014

A Few Firsts

My guys have had a fantastic week at scout camp.  Beautiful weather and low humidity made it even better.  They enjoyed many outdoor activities like shooting bb guns and archery.  Families are invited to visit on Thursday night for a picnic and time around the campfire.  I was given a tour of stations and they showed off their sharp shooting skills.  


I watched Mason's new favorite game called gaga ball.  It is played in a wooden corral and seems similar to dodge ball in an enclosed circle.  I had my very first  Kona ice.  I'm not a big sno-cone fan but this was better than any sno-cone I've ever had.  

My very favorite first of the evening was the flag retirement ceremony.  What a beautiful tribute to Old Glory.

The initial flag being retired was cut and each of its red and white stripes were burned individually followed by the blue field of stars.  

Then one by one 20+ additional flags, folded to their triangular perfection, 
were respectfully laid on the fire. 

 This was a long slow process as each scout bearing a flag walked with respect to the fire and gave the flag the proper retirement that it deserved.  

After the American flags there were several POW/MIA flags retired in the same fashion.
Two scout leaders stood watch over the fire as it burned.   

We were told they would be present until the flames went out, 
ashes cooled and remains returned to the earth.

I was honored to witness such an event.   
Makes me look forward to our visit to Ft. McHenry next week.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy 2014!

Wow! It's been a long while since I've written in this space.  I find it therapeutic and like the therapy that playing the piano provides, I find that I don't give myself that recuperation time enough.

Recently, I had some unplanned therapeutic down time.  While traveling with a friend and due to a canceled flight at the end of our week long journey that couldn't be rebooked for 3 days, I was forced/afforded the opportunity to think, pray, write letters to my kids and rest in the craziness of one of the most over-stimulating places I've ever visited.

I missed my kids, my own bed, and close comfort of my husband.  But Jesus reminded me that I could be still and listen to Him and rest in His presence.

We were weary travelers making the best in our situation and eventually made it home to the comfort of our waiting families.  Sweet reunions are uplifting and just that, sweet.  Thoughts backwards provide perspective and appreciation.

I love how God works growth of character in our lives when we can see life through a different lens.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Game day - it was the game to win,  to be declared the "champs",  to be victorious.   The gym would be packed, every seat taken.  We had reserved seats but there were no tickets at will call.  Our seats were 4th row, "look for the tie-dye t-shirt, black shorts and blue penny spread out over 6 chairs."  It was a plan.  We arrived and found our familiar seats and familiar faces around us, some cheering for our team, some cheering against them.

The opposing team brought 2 bus loads of students and local fans.  The students were geared up and ready to cheer.  They were dressed in team colors, fun costumes and other attire that brought grins and wonderment.  The "boos" were the most surprising.  When our team exited the locker room and positioned themselves for their pre-game huddle they were met with loud boos as they came through the door.  The parents stood and cheered and tried to overcome the low dissenting tone.  Two students left the stands and came within arms reach of several players.  They were pointing and mocking them.   I assumed they were caught up in the fanfare and didn't realize they were too close.  An adult quickly ushered them back to their seats.

The game was to be exciting and physically challenging by two teams that have met many times before.  Each one taking turns as the victor from seasons past.  But this season was different.  Our team had  overcome previous defeats and won both in-season games.  A third win would secure the conference title.

photo credit to Mr. Godfrey

The National Anthem was sung, starting line-ups announced and the tip-off whistle blown.  It was a great match up between two strong teams.  Our team lead the scoring throughout the game until the last few minutes with cheers, whistles and fouls, shots made and missed.  In the end, the opponent tied us and went ahead and we couldn't recover.  They won by 3 points.  Their fans left the stands and joined the winners on the court.  While I could say "congratulations" and "good game" to those around me,  I couldn't stay long to watch the festivities.  It would be difficult to watch their chosen player climb the ladder and cut the net on our court.  Our team had been number one in the conference all year and fell to second place in a matter of  minutes.

We gathered for what had been planned as a celebratory meal.  There were tears, hugs, and hope for Monday.  Hope for the at-large bid that could be granted to a nationally ranked team that just didn't finish that final game the way they had wanted.  That bid came today.  It came with a host position, home court advantage.  Come Friday,  we'll fill our seats again and cheer once more for a group of girls that will give their all.

In the end, whether these girls win or lose, they will be victorious.  They are courageous, faithful, disciplined young women who love Jesus and share His love in their daily lives.  They support each other through teamwork, friendship, prayer and love.  I've never been so impressed with a group of young ladies.  The older ones take leadership and bring the younger ones along.   The middles span the gap and become the glue that bonds them as close sisters in Christ.  They eat, play, practice, serve, travel, sing, laugh and cry together.  They know things about each other that no one will ever know.

Photo credit to Mr. Godfrey
I am so thrilled and thankful for my daughter  to have a place on this team, with these fabulous young ladies in this time of her life.  I pray she will always remember and cherish the time spent with her Messiah women's basketball team.  I see foundational elements being built for a strong future.    Though she has one final year yet to come, this current season is coming to a close.  I think they have a few more wins under their belts.  After it's all done,  I wish the senior players and their parents all the best.  It's been a joy to know you all.  You leave a legacy of truth and love.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Favorite Foto Friday


Happy Birthday Mary and Tara.  
May you laugh much and experience blessings among you today and every day.  
Love, Donna

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Two Special People

I was thrilled to spend some time with my sweet grandparents last month during our visit to Kentucky.  I had time to ask lots of questions and watched with joy as they greeted each of the 10 children in the room as if they were the only one there. Most importantly, I hugged their necks ALOT.

They are precious and loving and an everyday part of the lives of my mom, sisters and their children.  Our kids are so fortunate to know their "GG and Papaw" and they've helped shape who they are with the Christian character that they exude.

I lived with my grandparents in Lufkin, Texas while I attended college.  It's something we talked about through my teen years and when the time came, I was happy to accept.  They shaped my young adult years in a very special way and I will always look upon those years with fondness.  After college and one year of marriage, Michael and I moved to Pennsylvania.  Several years later Grandma and Papaw moved to Kentucky near my mom and we get to see them each time we visit.

In 1993 my grandfather began hosting family reunion trips.  Each summer he would pick a vacation home at the beach or in the mountains and invite everyone to come for a week.  What an incredible opportunity to visit with extended family and share meals and watch cousins play and laugh and grow closer.  I remember that meal planning was a big discussion each day as it was very important to have everyone together for that time.  There were sometimes 25+ people eating and sleeping under one roof and we made it happen.  Each year we joined in Sunday worship together, divided music and teaching responsibilities among the group and I remember a few young ushers taking up a collection.

Those huge week-long vacations are long gone but we did take the opportunity to gather for a weekend last June.  Cousins, some who were children when we began the annual vacation reunions, brought children of their own.  What a sweet experience to take time from busy schedules to reconnect and honor family and more importantly honor the ones who made our family a family.  We found ourselves once again doing what we do best:  sharing meals, playing crazy games, reminiscing over old photos, laughing and catching up on life.

Thank you Grandma and Papaw for being the loving examples of mature, sacrificial love and bestowing a beautiful legacy for generations to come.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cub Scout goals

Today was a great day to sleep in with no school or work.  We took advantage of it.  I slept until 8 AM.  That may not sound like sleeping in but I was so happy not to wake at 6 AM (usually with or without the alarm).  I so enjoy the quiet of the morning when I am the only one out of bed and can do things that need to be accomplished without interruption.  Can you hear that angelic praise/celebratory organ chord?  It was quiet in our house until almost 10 AM and quite lovely.

We knew today was the day to finish a few Cub Scout requirements for Mason's Tiger badge.  On the list was a family fire drill and emergency plan as well as an introduction of the food pyramid and learning a good balance of each food group and planning a healthy meal following the pyramid.

Meagan joined us for fire drill and planning our meeting spot.  She shared about the day she arrived home from school to find the smoke alarm ringing and the house filled with smoke.  She told him about how she didn't enter the house but went to the neighbor's house and they called for help and then then waited in the meeting spot until Mom and Dad arrived.  Turned out we had something smoldering in the fireplace from the night before and we thankfully we didn't have any damage.  It did provide that opportunity for her to share a good outcome story with her brother as he was getting a little scared while talking about such frightening things.

We had fun with the food pyramid and wished our nutrition major was here to participate.

Link for this image and reference info:  

Mason drew his own food pyramid and added his favorite foods to each category.  Then we planned a "field trip" to Golden Corral to see many food options in one place and let Mason put them in food categories.  He is NOT a big veggie eater but we're working on it.  We decided he would choose at least 2 veggies for his meal creation and make a very colorful plate.  He did choose a carrot, corn and green beans with grapes, chicken strips and a tortilla to boot.  What shocked us all is that he put a mini egg roll on his plate.  He wanted to try something NEW to him.  He took one bite and gave us the "thumbs down" signal.  But an egg roll is not necessary to sustain life and this mom was glad he tried it.

So we're on our way to the Tiger award, additional beads and belt loops.  Great job Mason!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Wandering home...

We spent the weekend in Pennsylvania for various reasons and enjoyed some basketball, good food and much needed down time with no strict schedule.  We extended our lazy Sunday by winding home through the backroads of southern Pa.

These are the things that caught my eye.  Such beauty in the discovery of old things seen for the first time.

The weather changed continually as the snow clouds and the sun danced around in the blue sky.

Peeking silos

Silo Soldiers

snow in the distance

updated added on 2/18/13
Just looking through my phone and found that I failed to add these two photos.   It was  such a lovely day for a drive and good to learn the back way if ever the interstate is backed up and we need a detour.