My February Challenge

I'm challenging myself to limit my trips to the grocery this month.  Might sound odd, because I am responsible for cooking for and feeding 3 (sometimes 4) other people.    So the challenge is to use what we have in our pantry and freezers instead of planning my menu in the grocery aisle and buying all kind of extra stuff.

So today is Tuesday, Feb 1 and I know we will need milk and bread before the end of the week.  Most other things will suffice.  Tonight we ate in shifts because of meetings and sports.  So it was leftovers of your choice.  Worked well so far, but of course, it's day 1.

On Feb 3 I can say I'm still on track.  hee, hee  Not much of a challenge yet, huh?  Michael was stopping at Costco for gas last night and asked if we needed anything else.  I had him get milk and bread.  That keeps me out of that glorious store where the impulse purchases are very lovely and plentiful.

I made red potato soup with peas and onions and BACON.  Yum.  Even packed salads for lunches while the soup was cooking.  (It's a good thing because I overslept this morning.)  Washed and cut all the veggies for stir fry tonight.  Will be ready to throw it all together when I get home.

It's day 5 of February 2011 and I haven't set foot in a store, yet.  Haven't really needed to.  I am keeping a grocery list of things as I use them up.  But there is still so much to choose from that no one even notices  there are no apples and bananas in the fruit bowl.  The oranges and cranberries at the bottom of the crisper drawer didn't seem fit for human consumption so we strung them and hung on the tree for the birds.  Filled the feeders with seeds and cranberries as well.  Still waiting for takers.


I put out quite a breakfast spread this morning with scrambled eggs, scrapple, potatoes with red pepper and melon and pineapple.

Making beef stew for Sunday super bowl dinner and found some game time snacks in the freezer as well.  Made deviled eggs and brownies for basketball dinner and lots of sandwiches for volleyball team.   I have a coupon for a free item at Target that expires today.
Dare I test my resolve and stop by to pick it up?

Day 7 – ran out of eggs, think they’ll notice?

Day 8 and I have not been to any food stores but Target for my free 14-oz bag of blue corn chips.  Thanks Carol.  : )   Meagan did get a can of mousse out of me - something about hers not working right.  It was not a huge deal to me.  Not a food item and who could say "no" to those beautiful brown eyes.

We’re still eating recognizable meals.  Nothing funky or gross or freezer-burned yet.  I did cook okra to go with our beef stew dinner last night, but I like okra.  Michael didn’t mind it either.  Mason cried over mashed potatoes and carrots on his plate so I knew the okra wasn’t gonna fly with him.  That’s ok, more of that slimy goodness for me.  (I steamed it in the microwave with salt, pepper & butter.)

We’ve still got fresh melon and pineapple and lots of fresh veggies.  Sunday was all sandwiches and snacks during our 14-hour volleyball tournament.   I had thought by evening we would be munching on Superbowl snacks but her team kept winning until the very end.  We left the parking lot at 10 PM, silver medal in tow, in search of HOT food.  Found a McDonalds drive-thru on the way home.  Fed my family from a bag in the van and went home to sleep.

Today is Day 13, I spent the week preparing meals from the meat in the freezer and adding potatoes and carrots most nights.  Made chili and had enough to freeze for another meal in the future.  My hubby offered to go to the store for the small list of items we need for our "learn to make sushi" family experiment tomorrow night for Valentine's day.  I was glad to send him with a list - keeps me from picking up extra unnecessary items.   We were visiting family out of town this weekend and stopped at a grocery for some fruit, drinks and a few road-trip snacks.  Nothing too crazy.  

Now that I haven't been going to the grocery three or four times a week I've found more time for sewing.  Made another horse for a gift and an owl for someone special.
This stick horse for
my nephew was my own pattern.

cute owl pattern
With regard to my challenge, I need to pick a grocery day soon for basics like milk, eggs, bread, yogurt, produce.  Will be an organized trip with a list and plan.