Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Special Day with LOTS of Candles

Five days shy of my third birthday two of my sisters were born.  It was a big deal in the tiny Kentucky town where we lived.  Even bigger because our dad was a twin as well and had grown up in the small community.

Mary and Tara at 3 weeks old.

I remember the familiar sight of MANY (I almost typed 100s but that seems improbable) clean cloth diapers that had been washed and hung to dry on the line.

I didn't really realize at that time that I would always have playmates and someone to boss around, well until they were big enough to boss back.  We played summer long games of Monopoly and mermaid Barbie in our pool on the porch.  The kickball games are some of the best memories. 

They were referred to as "the twins" every day.  I know they each worked hard to be their own person and they are definitely different personalities but still as close as two sisters can be.  They even live within "spittin" distance.  (Yes, it's valid unit of measure.) 

Though as adults we've never lived closer than 5 hours drive we can always pick up where we left off.  That's what sisters do.  Our kids do well together as well.  They are accepting and loving and playful with each other in spite of the age span.  Of 11 cousins I have the two oldest and the 3rd youngest, #11 is almost 2 months old.

My visit with Tara last Fall.

Mary and I after the Blue Man Group show last week in Vegas.

Today "the twins" celebrate their 40th birthday.  Congratulations Mary and Tara!!!   It's not so hard after all.  It just means in a few days I get to add 3 to your number.  Yes Mary, only 3 not 6.  Good try though.  

Happy Birthday!!! - Love ya like a sis!

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