Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Two Special People

I was thrilled to spend some time with my sweet grandparents last month during our visit to Kentucky.  I had time to ask lots of questions and watched with joy as they greeted each of the 10 children in the room as if they were the only one there. Most importantly, I hugged their necks ALOT.

They are precious and loving and an everyday part of the lives of my mom, sisters and their children.  Our kids are so fortunate to know their "GG and Papaw" and they've helped shape who they are with the Christian character that they exude.

I lived with my grandparents in Lufkin, Texas while I attended college.  It's something we talked about through my teen years and when the time came, I was happy to accept.  They shaped my young adult years in a very special way and I will always look upon those years with fondness.  After college and one year of marriage, Michael and I moved to Pennsylvania.  Several years later Grandma and Papaw moved to Kentucky near my mom and we get to see them each time we visit.

In 1993 my grandfather began hosting family reunion trips.  Each summer he would pick a vacation home at the beach or in the mountains and invite everyone to come for a week.  What an incredible opportunity to visit with extended family and share meals and watch cousins play and laugh and grow closer.  I remember that meal planning was a big discussion each day as it was very important to have everyone together for that time.  There were sometimes 25+ people eating and sleeping under one roof and we made it happen.  Each year we joined in Sunday worship together, divided music and teaching responsibilities among the group and I remember a few young ushers taking up a collection.

Those huge week-long vacations are long gone but we did take the opportunity to gather for a weekend last June.  Cousins, some who were children when we began the annual vacation reunions, brought children of their own.  What a sweet experience to take time from busy schedules to reconnect and honor family and more importantly honor the ones who made our family a family.  We found ourselves once again doing what we do best:  sharing meals, playing crazy games, reminiscing over old photos, laughing and catching up on life.

Thank you Grandma and Papaw for being the loving examples of mature, sacrificial love and bestowing a beautiful legacy for generations to come.

1 comment:

  1. Your grandparents are amazing! I spent a LOT of time at there home in Kingsville when I was growing up with Barbara. They are special people and I would love to see them again. Please give them my love.

    Patty Briggs Estes
