Friday, June 27, 2014

A Few Firsts

My guys have had a fantastic week at scout camp.  Beautiful weather and low humidity made it even better.  They enjoyed many outdoor activities like shooting bb guns and archery.  Families are invited to visit on Thursday night for a picnic and time around the campfire.  I was given a tour of stations and they showed off their sharp shooting skills.  


I watched Mason's new favorite game called gaga ball.  It is played in a wooden corral and seems similar to dodge ball in an enclosed circle.  I had my very first  Kona ice.  I'm not a big sno-cone fan but this was better than any sno-cone I've ever had.  

My very favorite first of the evening was the flag retirement ceremony.  What a beautiful tribute to Old Glory.

The initial flag being retired was cut and each of its red and white stripes were burned individually followed by the blue field of stars.  

Then one by one 20+ additional flags, folded to their triangular perfection, 
were respectfully laid on the fire. 

 This was a long slow process as each scout bearing a flag walked with respect to the fire and gave the flag the proper retirement that it deserved.  

After the American flags there were several POW/MIA flags retired in the same fashion.
Two scout leaders stood watch over the fire as it burned.   

We were told they would be present until the flames went out, 
ashes cooled and remains returned to the earth.

I was honored to witness such an event.   
Makes me look forward to our visit to Ft. McHenry next week.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy 2014!

Wow! It's been a long while since I've written in this space.  I find it therapeutic and like the therapy that playing the piano provides, I find that I don't give myself that recuperation time enough.

Recently, I had some unplanned therapeutic down time.  While traveling with a friend and due to a canceled flight at the end of our week long journey that couldn't be rebooked for 3 days, I was forced/afforded the opportunity to think, pray, write letters to my kids and rest in the craziness of one of the most over-stimulating places I've ever visited.

I missed my kids, my own bed, and close comfort of my husband.  But Jesus reminded me that I could be still and listen to Him and rest in His presence.

We were weary travelers making the best in our situation and eventually made it home to the comfort of our waiting families.  Sweet reunions are uplifting and just that, sweet.  Thoughts backwards provide perspective and appreciation.

I love how God works growth of character in our lives when we can see life through a different lens.