Wow! It's been a long while since I've written in this space. I find it therapeutic and like the therapy that playing the piano provides, I find that I don't give myself that recuperation time enough.
Recently, I had some unplanned therapeutic down time. While traveling with a friend and due to a canceled flight at the end of our week long journey that couldn't be rebooked for 3 days, I was forced/afforded the opportunity to think, pray, write letters to my kids and rest in the craziness of one of the most over-stimulating places I've ever visited.
I missed my kids, my own bed, and close comfort of my husband. But Jesus reminded me that I could be still and listen to Him and rest in His presence.
We were weary travelers making the best in our situation and eventually made it home to the comfort of our waiting families. Sweet reunions are uplifting and just that, sweet. Thoughts backwards provide perspective and appreciation.
I love how God works growth of character in our lives when we can see life through a different lens.