Last week we had a mid-week day off and no plans. Michael suggested a quiet breakfast out and then drove me to the airport loop which is a great, scenic path. It was beautiful as the trees were just beginning to turn. It was loud as the planes were taking off and flying just over our heads every 2-3 minutes.
During our few uninterrupted hours over breakfast and strolling, we got all of the surface stuff talked out, then discussed some sports and politics and then took some time to talk about more difficult subjects. The ones that sometimes hang there and create "thorns" we don't have time to address because we're busy living life and driving kids and not scheduling together time. We spoke honestly and it was good, not easy but good.
As a little girl, I always dreamed that marriage would be blissfully happy days spent with the one you love, one after the other with romance, and roses and sweet love songs in the background. NOT!!! Marriage is HARD WORK. Well worth the effort I must say. But hard, none the less. It has to be nurtured and watered and sprinkled with thoughtful planning, careful words and rocky tough times that provide endurance for the long haul. I find that a Christ-centered marriage makes those tough times a little more manageable and provides a common focus and end-goal.
Recently our pastor encouraged those married in our church family to work hard to deepen our marriage relationships to guard from the pain of divorce. To delight in and care for the one we are married to. To love and live for one another is the way God intended.
So today I purposely celebrate my husband. I am thankful for someone who loves me and loves the Lord and isn't afraid to work hard at this marriage thing. Love ya babe!
I celebrate you as well!!! You are worth more than gold and silver. Far more precious them diamonds or gems. Our love will last into eternity!!! I look forward to growing old with you my best friend!