Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cold Weather Thanks

I've been promoted to bedtime reader this week while Daddy works at the homeless shelter that our church is hosting.  It's a big challenge for me as we are reading The Star Wars Saga.  There are many unrecognizable words that I have to pronounce.  Mason is a patient listener and helps me with the big words - mostly names that I don't know because I haven't watched the movies in a long time.

I was so proud of my kids when we took a turn to help out at the shelter last night.  Mason calls it kids night and he just loves to go and play with the children, no matter the age.  They don't even exchange names, they just play.  At dinner tonight he asked, "Where's Dad?  I miss him."  I told him he was helping at the shelter again and he said "I would like to go again but we can pray for them tonight."  "Dear God, I miss my Dad...."  So sweet, and then just like the dog from the movie Up was distracted by the "squirrel" he was on to the next topic.  Wasn't going to linger on the serious stuff.

This week of direct interaction and service to those in true need always humbles me....I am truly thankful for my family, home, job, vehicles and meals.  I am thankful for the daily provisions that we often take for granted.  I like what my good friend Dan has to say about the cold weather shelter and what it can do for us.  To thaw our hearts and turn our attentions to those in need.   We can build relationships and share life even if only for a week.  I pray our guests are comfortable and know they are loved, however imperfectly by us but more importantly they are loved and not forgotten by our one true God.

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